June 17, 2007

Dear friends and family,

This statistic is staggering! Nearly 200,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. As most of you know, in 2003, I was one of those women. That day in August my life was drastically changed forever. Over the next 10 months I went through 3 surgeries, 4 months of chemotherapy and 33 days of radiation. I am happy to say that I have been cancer-free now for 3 years!

For the last 2 years I have wanted to walk in the breast cancer 3-day. It is a 3 day, 60 mile walk to raise awareness and support for breast cancer research. Each year I have chickened out thinking that the training would be too difficult and that it would be too hard to raise the needed support of $2,200. But in the last couple of years I have realized that fighting cancer has given me a strength I didn't know I had, so this year I have determined I will do it! And I am very excited that two of my daughters, Rebekah and Bethany, are going to walk with me!

I am totally leaning on the Lord for the strength and endurance to train over the next three months but I need your help as well. As I said, each walker needs to raise at least $2,200 in order to participate. The Seattle 3 day is September 7, 8, and 9. Yikes! That is less than three months away! Would you consider contributing to my support and help put an end to breast cancer?

All money raised goes to Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund and is 100% tax deductible.

Donations can be made via credit card online at www.the3day.org (this is the easiest way). Just click on donate, select Seattle (my 3 day location), and enter my name to show the link to my fundraising webpage. Click on my name and it will take you there. (Note: the easiest way is by going to roddy.org and clicking on the link to the Team Page)

If you prefer, checks can be made out to Breast Cancer 3 day and mailed to me at:

Patty Roddy
4710 229th PL NE
Redmond, WA 98053

This isn't just a walk. It is a walk that helps save lives! I walk because I am so thankful that I can. And I walk for those who can't. I would greatly appreciate any support you can give me.

I walk in memory of Carol, and in honor of Mary, Kathy and Cindy, who are fighting their own battles against breast cancer right now. Thank you so much for your generous support in helping to fight breast cancer.

Because everyone deserves a lifetime.


Patty Roddy